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Hello, my name is James Clark.
I am a BYU-Idaho Almuni with a Bachelor's in Web Design and Development (emphasis in Web Design.)
This page reflects my animatable character but my projects display a sense of professionalism.
Design Projects
This is where I hold my projects from art class or for personal uses. More can be found on my Behance profile.
Click the images to expand them.

100 Hot Dogs

Infograph Project
The goal of this project was to pick a tangible object and create an infographic illustrating the many different ways that object is relevant to the number one hundred.
I Specifically chose hot dogs for this project out of humor.
I chose a vector graphic style for this infographic because my goal was to make it look fun.

Cowboy Mando

Cowboy Mando
Inspired by Jon Favearus The Mandalorian, I created my own mandalorian character called the cowboy mandalorian that equips him with western style.
I specifically made Cowboy Mando as an alternative character for a video-game (Star Wars Battlefront 2017.) I also modelled his sawed off shotgun as well as include audio from Arthur Morgan of Red Dead Redemption.
Chainsaw Man

Chainsaw Man
Fully customed mesh Chainsaw Man who is based from the Manga and Anime by Tatsuki Fujimoto.

I modelled Chainsaw Man as character for a video-game (Star Wars Battlefront 2017.)

Spider Woman 2099
Spider Woman 2099
A concept character, this project aimed to create a spider woman inspired by the
looks of Spider man 2099 in shattered dimensions.
My objective was to practice sculpting and detailing around a model. I feel I have incorporated the logos and eyes well.

To utilize it, I rigged it to be playable in Star Wars Battlefront 2017 along with VrChat, which you can buy on my Gumroad.
Rad Animal Stickers

Rad Animals
One of my favorite things to doodle is animals.
I'll doodle something random like a llama on a skateboard or a pig on a scooter. This time, I wanted to turn those doodles into collectibles, such as stickers.
The challenges with this project was form. How thick should the stroke be? Does it look better in this form or the other? How simple is it? What does it communicate?
Besides the pigs hands, the animals of more smooth curves and lines and the pig's feet is position more appropriately on the scooter. I am happy with the results so far.
A lot people were pleased with how the turned out and even wanted them as collectible stickers.
Cool Pants Sans

Photographic Font
My assignment was to create a font using photography of natural items that are in the form or concept of letters.
The challenges of this assignment was lighting, background imaging, and finding letters by manipulating only one object instead of a combination per letter.
The length was required to be around 6-10 letters.
Photoshop was the focus application for this project because I had to isolate the letters from the background thus being able to master the selection tool.

King Lear Posters

Poster project
My goal was to create posters based on a Shakespeare play.
I chose King Lear and I had to make three posters: One with symbolism, one with nothing but type, and one that mimics an artist's style.
Some of the type may not fit with the posters but I enjoyed the process of making them. The posters were edited in a mixture of Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.

The Barnster

The Barnster
The Barnster is an Analog Horror project that makes a parody off of the well known Man In The Suit By Unkn0wingly.
So far, this is my most popular work and has even recieved recognition from Unkn0wingly themselves
This project used a synthesizer, audio program to add distortion, and blender to create the rigs and video editing.